Monthly Archives: February 2007

Heading to FOWA in London

fowaJust packed my stuff… I’m heading to London for the Future of Webapps. Bunch of great speakers so I’m looking forward to it. Just noticed that the conference is sold-out so I guess it will be crowdy.

Maybe I’ll see you there!

Check your backlinks with Google Webmaster Tools

Wow, Google seems to understand that the opinion of webmasters does matter! As of today, it is finally possible to retrieve a nice list of urls that are linking to your site.

Many of you will probably know that the ‘’ command in Google doesn’t really do what it’s supposed to do. According to Matt Cutts this is mainly caused by technical limitations. Personally, I think that it might have some other reasons as well. Well, it’s still broken, but now Google allows you to see a much larger spectrum of backlinks to your site when you use their Webmaster Tools.

I’ve just checked out this new feature, must say that I like it! My first observations:

– Google apparently indexes links within PDF-files, these are reported as inlinks
– Webmaster Tools offers the possibility to export your inlinks as a spreadsheet, nice!
– The new tool also lists nofollow links, what does that tell us about the Google-interpretation of rel=’nofollow’?